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Option A isn't always available -Sheryl Sandberg gives amazing graduation speech

Option A isn't always available -Sheryl Sandberg gives amazing graduation speech

Sheryl Kara Sandberg is an American technology executive, activist, and author. She is the chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook and founder of She delivers an amazing heartfelt graduation speech to UC Berkeley graduates on finding joy, guidance and resilience in even the darkest of days. "When life sucks u under, u can kick against the bottom, find the surface, and breathe again." ""Option A is not available. So let's just kick the sh*t out of Option B" ""You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive. "" "It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude - gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, the laughter of my children. My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude - not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.... Build resilience in yourselves. When tragedy or disappointment strike, know that you have the ability to get through absolutely anything. I promise you do." Original version can be found here : Check out more of Sheryl Sandberg in this Ted Talk: ====================================================== Also Check out: ▶10 Habits of Highly Successful People ▶ PART 1 ▶ Best Talks 2016 - THE 13 PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS - Take Possession Of Your Mind - ▶ Best Talks 2016 ▶ - Alan Watts- Meditation Guide-- Take control of your Life - NEWEST TED TALK▶ - A LESSON ON COMPASSION- Exclusive footage of Napolean Hill and Quotes: "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." -Napoleon Hill "Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." -Napoleon Hill "The starting point of all achievement is desire." -Napoleon Hill " It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." -Napoleon Hill "When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve." - Napoleon Hill "Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure." - Napoleon Hill "Action is the real measure of intelligence." -Napoleon Hill "Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another." -Napoleon Hill For more inspirational videos from us please: Like, Rate and Subscribe (Subscribe here) follow us@: Twitter: ProjectHappyWay - Facebook:ProjectHappyWay- Instagram:ProjectHappyWay


THE 10 HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE - 😏💰💰💰 Success does not always come naturally. Its achieved through hard work, perseverance and dedication. Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. Anthony J. D'Angelo Here are a few of the habits highly successful people share: 1. They put their Customers First. Jeff Bezos of Amazon is a prime example of what sort of growth to expect when you learn to put the customer first 2. They understand the life goal. They understand that the life goal is not achieved through external validation but rather by personal growth and self-fulfillment. 3. They go through life with integrity. Gaining trust and respect from your team members is key to success. Do all things with integrity through consistent implementation of what you say and what you do. 4. They inhibit confidence. Strong leaders inhibit confidence in their capabilities and doing it without reservations. Being plainly confident is one trait but being confident in doing something out of your comfort zone would be the best thing to do in order to become successful. 5. They hire other leaders. Strong leaders surround themselves with leaders whom they can trust with confidence. Ensure to hire people that will lead each team and guide them properly. 6. They are open to opinions. Strong and successful leaders are always open to opinions as they regard it as an opportunity for improvement. Be sure to take opinions constructively and take note of them wholeheartedly. 7. They learn from mistakes. Successful people also make mistakes. Be in the know of what you don’t want to happen again by learning from your mistakes. 8. They are open to self-growth. Successful leaders are always keen on looking for ways to improve, and not to become stagnant. Find time to look for things that you can improve on. 9. They value delegation. Successful people are not afraid of delegating tasks. 10. They value company culture. Successful leaders value the company culture. Take time to nurture a positive culture to reap the benefits in the future. For more inspirational videos from us please: Like, Rate and Subscribe (Subscribe here) For some more inspiration don't forget to follow us @: WWW.PROJECTHAPPYWAY.COM Twitter: ProjectHappyWay - Facebook:ProjectHappyWay-
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